Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The End Is Nigh

We at The Toaster Talks hereby announce the intended conversion of The Toaster Talks from a required class blog based on readings and other political technology ruminations to the mp3 blog you've always wished it was.

Weekly posts will hope to enlighten, brighten and delighten (the first word coined on this blog, with hopes for many more) with featured songs of the week, including one throwback tune from happier times when pretention was a concept we couldn't even spell.

As The Toaster Talks' revised format is being born out of the death of the previous content, the first edition will feature the famed Best of list of 2005, marking the death of a year and the arrival 2006...assuming we decide to carry it to term.

We invite your submissions. You'll get credit when credit is due, and we'll even send someone on staff out to give you a hug (whenever they get back with the coffee -- our needs come first).

We'll see you Dec. 31. Until then, would you politely turn up the heat?

- The Toaster Talks Team

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